Operation Second Chance also helps maintain resources to help assist veterans and their families with their numerous health, employment and financial needs. Below please find some of these helpful resources.
- Kristin Brooks Hope Center
- Vet2Vet Veterans Crisis Hotline
- Lotsa Helping Hands
- The Real Warriors Campaign
- Behavioral Health for Veterans
- Mental Health Needs of Vets & Families
- Resources for vets & Families Living with Cancer
- Veterans Crisis Line
- Mesothelioma Resources
- Memory Care Resources for Veterans
- Vision Care Guide for Veterans
- Make the Connection
- Serving Together Project
- Operation We Are Here
- Veteran’s Families United
- National Resource Directory
- American Freedom Foundation
- TEAM-UP Veterans Airlift Command
- Military Veterans Resource Center
- Transition to Civilian Life
- Surviving Spouses Resources
- Definitive Guide to GI Bill Benefits and Eligibility
- Silent Professionals
- Veterans Guide to Getting Hired
- College Students Guide to Ergonomics
- Special Hiring Authorities
- Military Connection
- Vetergy
- Job Gateway
- Career One Stop
- Top 100 Military Friendly Employers
- Vets to Feds
- Vet Success
- Disabled Veteran Outreach Program
- Department of Labor Gold Card Services
- VA for Vets
- Ebenefits Employment Center
- Hero 2 Hired
- Score website specific for vets interested in starting their own small business
- Veteran Entrepreneur Portal
- New job or career/1-877-US2-Jobs
- Peace Corps Agency Jobs
- Corporate Gray
- Planning for Life after Discharge
- Best Jobs for Returning Servicemembers
- Deluxe Corporation